A place for stuff by a guy.


Theological Roofing and a Bench Press PR

I have between zero and fuckall coherent themes in mind for this post, but a few thoughts seem worth forming into words before bed tonight.

First, why is every single corporate entity so needy these days when it comes to user feedback? I can't call a bank or order stamps or play a mission in Assassin's Creed without the company hounding me for a star ranking or a review or a survey response. It didn't used to be like this, did it? Feels so… cloying. Like none of these companies have any firm belief in their own culture or policies or decisions. Instead they have to ask every schmuck they interact with for advice. As if the general public is good at decision making. Companies - grow a pair. You do you. Just be yourself. Follow your heart - that's what I always do.

What am I even talking about.

Today was the big day of the current five week cycle in my workout plan. The day that prescribes the most weight for the most reps. Honestly, I was anxious. Not for the effort, I like the pushing myself aspect, but progress in this program hinges on hitting every rep of every set in the five weeks. Miss one and you don't increase the weight for that exercise in the next cycle. A five week setback. As the rep counts were climbing over the weeks I was struggling with a few lifts - bench in particular - but I powered through it this evening without too much trouble. A personal best. Not just in this fitness renaissance, but even in my heyday of 6 days a week in the gym for multiple hours each day I wasn't throwing this much weight around. It's amazing how much progress I'm making in less time invested. Assuming the deload days go ok I should RX the whole rotation this cycle and get to crank all the poundages up 10%. May God have mercy on my rotator cuffs.

Vally and I ran into fit brunette last week as she was throwing the ball for her hound. She made a point to say something from across a parking lot and bring up how happy she was to finally be off a business call and get to chat. We talked fitness for awhile and she brought up potentially knocking on my door as a gym orphan if they get closed again due to pandemic. I'm definitely out of practice trying to hold in person conversations - crazy to think that's a practiced skill that you can lose after 9 months of isolation, I'm practically Tom Hanks in Castaway - but my awkward got some laughs and further jokes. I get good vibes from that one. I don't know if she's my type enough to lean in at this point, but it's nice to feel like I've got a friend in the area at least. And that my previous read on her fading me was both valid and not by choice. Will have to see how that progresses. Also to get some further practice in with face to face conversation, because damn. I was never smooth, but this is still a notch below the norm.

The roofer that helped me out with a leak before came out today for an inspection. He would find that my bedroom skylight is basically shot, my chimney flashing is “a shitshow”, and my chimney cap is all wrong. $1500 for the first two, will have to see what the chimney folks quote me for the last one. Still, it seems my hunch about the chimney being the source of moisture getting in, and likely some mold that's been causing all these allergies, is very plausible. If I can be done with the discomfort and breathing issues I'll gladly pay it. Wish I could use my FSA for it. Roofer was on his way out when we got to talking about how he wouldn't be roofing if hospitals fill up due to COVID because he could fall and break something and they wouldn't have room to take him. That led to a political conversation which lead to discussion of various religious groups and their affiliations which led to a full on theological dialogue regarding the nature of existence. This shit went on for at least an hour, hour and a half. What a fun realization it is to discover that the tatted up, scruffy, long haired roofer in the band t shirt is not only coming from a similar place politically, but also has some really interesting insight and learnings on philosophical and theological matters. The guy had taught himself greek so he could go back and read some testaments for himself in their original (or nearly original) language. Had a really interesting take on the nature of morality and how it presumes monotheism. Had clearly spent a lot of time studying, reading, watching debates on the subject, and generally thinking about it. Fascinating. How many strangers do we pass and completely underestimate? I really need to get back to assuming the best in people, or at least giving people a chance to show they're interesting and worthwhile humans before writing them off as more average creatures bumbling through life. I'm sure most are, but it'll be worth it to find the stand outs.

Thanksgiving is going to be weird this year. No family, no Steaksgiving, just Vally and I and my meal delivery service provided turkey and dressing. I may break out a good beer or even crack one of my brownie mix boxes for the occasion, though I'll surely wish I hadn't on Friday. It's a practice what you preach moment for me. I'm holding strong to this idea that I'm better off playing the pandemic safe and making steady, if boring, progress on my own than I would be risking an unlikely but potentially long term health problem. Vaccine news keeps coming down the pipe, and it seems good. Another six months or so of going through the motions. Work, Vally, exercise, nutrition, music, the occasional project or video game, repeat. Not likely to get another chance like this to focus so hard on what I'm doing. Or to go so long without having to commute. Gotta keep focusing on the positive implications of this vastly negative situation. Not to belittle how awful it is, but to make the best I can of it.

I'm thinking another two cycles of this program before shifting to a bit of a cut for spring. If muscle building keeps at this pace, and I can drop some 15-20 extra lbs between Feb-May, I'mma be getting out of isolation a lot better off than I went in. Fit brunette won't stand a chance.


Michael Scuderi