A place for stuff by a guy.


Why I Buy Pie.

Steakster 2021 is almost upon us. The high holiest of holidays. Yea, verily. AND UNTO THEM SHALL BE GIVEN A BOUNTIFUL BOUNTY OF BOUTIQUE BEERS, BRAISED BEEF, BAKED BLESSINGS, and VIDYA GAMES baBYYYYY.

Rasputin 3:16

Seriously though, this feels like a big one. I went back and found a picture of the humble beginnings of the tradition in 2011. Steakster sort of became an idea in 2010 but really cemented itself in 2011. Ten years of proper bingetastic goofery. Somehow it was decided over the last year that Rasputin is sort of the patron saint of the holiday. I'm honestly not even sure how, but I think it involved that old Boney M song. Either way, tomorrow looks like it'll consist of venturing into the nether in co-op Minecraft VR, morning tennis, brunch on the patio the Inn, and then the rest of the day spent grilling on the patio and playing games in the theater and drunken grooving to Rasputin while drinking Old Rasputin stouts and…

… it should be a real good time.

Last year was the first year we couldn't go all out. Half Steakster. Diet Steakster. The world had just gone into lockdown, so I think we played some VR across the internet and tried to pretend that was a worthy replacement. For me, tomorrow is kind of representing the return to somewhat normal life. The beginning of being able to see people once in awhile. Getting out of the slog mentality I've had for over a year and into a mindset where is’s ok to let loose a little again.

I'm really excited.

Feeling ok about this thanks to the vaccine. Got my second shot on Wednesday and it couldn't have gone smoother. Basically a repeat of the first - sore shoulder, a couple extra naps the next day, and otherwise fine. Easy. Thanks, science.

I'm actually digesting breakfast right now before I head out to a local bakery in town to gather supplies for tomorrow. Wouldn't have done that a month ago. Obviously, I still need to be a little cautious - vaccine isn't fully effective for another week and a half - but at 80-90% there I feel comfortable running errands and such at least. Also of note, I've lived in town 7 years and never bothered going down to the little strip of shops with the bakery. It ticked all my anxiety boxes where I don't really know the shops and it always looks super crowded and parking looks right and I don't really know which lot is available and… I would wind up just not bothering. Leave it to a global pandemic to finally get me back into a “ah fuck it, I'll figure it out” mindset.

I've been getting ready for somewhat normal life again in other ways too. At some point in my car's year of severe neglect and underuse, the midrange speaker in my driver's side door went belly up. Rattled instead of thumped. Internet says water gets in and wears the glue off the cone until it detaches from the speaker and just kinda flops around. So I ripped off the door panels this week and replaced the speakers and I even managed to put it back together again! I know. I was pretty shocked too. Driving music is a go.

Wired up a handful of new outlets around the theater shelves. Previously I was doing my best to hide ugly power strips as best I could, but with the classy recliners in it felt like I should do it up right. So I did. Looks much better with outlets where they need to be and proper cord management. Less messy.

I'm not really sure what to do with my cocktail arcade cabinet coffee table. It was a cool little project, building the frame and custom arcade controls for the sides, putting a monitor and a mini gaming pc under the glass surface so it can play emulated games or stream video, but it doesn't really fit with the recliners. Either it's too close to allow for reclining or too far to be used as a coffee table. May end up scrapping it, may end up trying to move it somewhere else in the house. Will see.

Let's see what else is happening… still getting myself singing and playing guitar again. Whatever had/is hitting my immune system definitely took a toll on my throat - I have a hard time hitting notes that were well within my range before and I swear that I'm having a hard time hearing myself sometimes. Like my head is stuffed up still. But ya know what? Fuck it. If I sound like hell, who cares. If my voice cracks and breaks and goes off key because I can't hear myself well, who cares. I'm done trying to be impressive. Just doing it because it feels good.

Creative hedonism.

Gearing up for the next big push health-wise. My back is still a problem, I still don't feel great, but spring is about here and that's when I start to feel better so I'm gonna usher that in with as big of a nudge as I can muster. Been sort of shying away with the second shot and Steakster approaching, but come Monday it'll be full return to form mode. Gotta get back on my bullshit in case Fit Brunette emerges boyfriendless at some point.

I just watched a small fedex truck drive by my window for the third time since I started this post what the hell is that guy doing is he lost?

Yeah. I think… I think that's it. That's all of it. Pretty boring, huh? Things should be picking up soon here. Springtime, vaccine, a return to friend hangouts and running errands like an honest to God real person, continuing to run and lift and feel better, all these things are hitting and I'm stoked. So, maybe not a super thrilling week or two here, but the world is opening up for me again. Let's see where this door leads.

At the moment, it leads to that local bakery. I'm gonna go choose a pie. In public. Near other people. Here we go.


Michael Scuderi