A place for stuff by a guy.



Multiple cases of COVID-19 at work including at least one hospitalization. More scrambling to try and enact on-the-fly contingencies while juggling due dates for existing projects. I'm earning that recent big raise. But let's not talk about work, huh?

I can see how people get hooked on chasing numbers in the gym.

I think, with my previous focus on losing weight and not getting hurt, it never made sense the way people tried so hard to up the numbers on the plates they were lifting. Who cares, so long as you're looking and feeling better? But the constant steady gradual progression on this plan gives a real sense of accomplishment. Each week I'm doing a tiny bit more than the week before. Yesterday was the first day of my fourth cycle, and the extra 10% felt real heavy on a few lifts. Then I rx'd all reps anyway. It's that realization, recognizing that the bar is significantly heavier then finding that I can do it anyway, that makes it so fun. One, maybe two more times through this program before I mix it up, I think.

Ran into Fit Brunette on Thanksgiving. She and her mom were walking her German shepherd between family gatherings. So… she introduced me to her mom? But like, in a nice way? Same good vibes from her. That feeling of “these are my people” when you can talk naturally with someone new. The way FB was telling her mom about our inside jokes gave real “meeting the parents” vibes. I fully understand it's not that and in no world am I pretending that it was, but I found it interesting that that was the social circumstance we all found ourselves in. Gonna have to keep probing that, cause my intuition in these things is usually pretty decent. Time will tell.

Thanksgiving here was… fine. I suppose. I spent a solid four hours on leaves and taking a chainsaw to the neighbor’s trees leaning into my yard. Had been hoping he would take care of them all year, but it feels good to have finally just taken matters into my own hands. The ugly vine covered tree in the front is gone and everything looks much neater. I mean… his weed hedges are still there, but at least they're of even proportions now. First chance I get to hack em all down and plant some proper hedges, I'm all over it. And if I can manage to work on it without getting covered in poison ivy, like I miraculously pulled off on Thanksgiving, even better.

Sacrificed about a quarter bottle of Dawn dish soap in the shower to do it, but it beats poison ivy.

Thanksgiving lunch, I heated up the turkey and dressing from my meal delivery service and… I kind of wish I hadn't. Sobering, having such a poor excuse for a traditional Thanksgiving meal. Probably wouldnt have stung had I just eaten a normal meal instead. Live and learn. It's only food.

After much debate, I finally put in a few hours on Saturday to bring out the Xmas tree and limited decorations I have and… I'm glad I did. There was some real hesitation there originally. Partially because it feels silly to put that much time and effort into decorations that only I will see or appreciate. Partially because a lot of those decorations were either gifted or motivated by Hot Mom Across the Street before she took off and initiated all the drama that followed. I guess that's still a bit of a sore subject after the way it went down. Not sure I feel like venting about it now. Maybe on a future post. But suffice it to say that bringing out the decorations conjures up memories of her and Emma helping me decorate and then cuddling up on the couch to listen to Xmas tunes, so putting it up myself and sitting there after by myself was… a contrast.

To be clear, I'd make the same decisions again if in that spot again. No regrets there. Just… sensitive. Just because it was the right decision doesn't mean it was fun to make.

Anyway, point being I decorated in spite of all that and I'm glad. Feels like the holiday season in the house now and I like that vibe. Even if it's just for me.

My pulley machine shipped!! Be here Thursday. I really lucked out nabbing the last one after their first restock since early spring. Who knows how long my newly widened wall would have remained empty had I missed it.

I also snatched up a hot water heater on a black friday sale. I have no idea how to install a hot water heater, but, like, how hard can it be really? I'll watch a few YouTube videos and be fine. Probably. It needs doing though, mine is some 16 years old and it's only a matter of time before it springs a leak. Best to get out in front of it and flood the basement due to my own general incompetence than due to sudden catastrophic equipment failure. At least then I'll know when to expect the deluge. I will say up front though - I fucking hate plumbing. It's FOOKIN' DIZ-GUZZ-TANG. Even tonight, just trying to clean out my washer’s drain hose to help with the bit of water sloshing around after each cycle, that thing emitted a puddle of water with an odor that can only be described as a mix of sulfur and raw sewage. Where the HELL was that hiding? I'll order a new washing machine before I ever let that abominable substance loose upon the world a second time. You're welcome, world. You are welcome.

The first page of Hungarian Dance No. 5 is starting to come together for me and I just need to say it - I'm so proud of myself for sticking it out and putting in the time to start getting the hang of it, and yet so VERY disappointed in myself for choosing one of history's most difficult songs for my reintroduction to piano. Why do I do these things to myself? Why don't I just learn chopsticks and feel good about it like everyone else? Haven't played consistently in 15 years? Suuuuuure just jump into something significantly harder than anything you tried after a decade of consistent lessons why not.

If I get that first page halfway clean enough to justify it, I'll likely get a video recording and upload it somewhere. I'll have to. Just to prove to myself that I've really done it. Or perhaps to show myself that I'm still awful at it. Only one way to know for sure.

Vally snoring and I still need a shower, so imma go do that. More soon.


Michael Scuderi